Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I remember studying sometime ago that human life is not about the everyday life so much as it is the living out the memory of yesterday's events. We live in the reiterative narrative of yesterday's events that jilted our very souls...like the holocaust is for the jews and it is now an accepted part of their identity. Or jihad/"fundamentalism" is for becoming for Muslims. We create a common identities with the traces of these stark occurences in our life. Thats what struck me most when i heard of my professor's death last day. It was life a knife slashing open the satin white mundaneness of my existence. There i could see the tear... and it was never going to go away. As much as these occurrences hurt us or jilt us or excite us, we all spawn narratives and create identities on the basis of it. when was the last time you didn't quote the heart break in your life, or the hurt you felt cause of a friend's remark to identify your idiosyncratic behaviour. It is in fact these occurrence that makes the heart grow wiser and often more vulnerable.

The day death is announced to you, your senses return to their senses....you stop to see the colours around you or the smell of that flower that you never bothered to sniff once on your way out of home. Death is the ultimate marker of your life, mundaneness is but the wait.

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