Monday, January 14, 2008


its been a weird day....theres been a lack of synchrony...critical lack of coordination...between the two sides of my brain.....on the one side i am all excited about last day's trip...i am tripping on it...but something seems incomplete....i waited all morning to write that last the Lady Muse was pushing to it but now that i have written seems mechanical and incomplete...just like i feel today...theres excitement in the insides but on the outside people complain that i look "phased-out" it that sense of incompletion...the fear of losing the moments that felt really good but might never come back i getting nostalgic before its i missing my gang of boys....most of them are leaving for different corners of the world..maybe its irretreivable pain of losing the past and never having a future...its missing a certain kind of living succulently mixed with an incompletion ofemotions...i still don't know what i really want to say...its clearly constipated and i shouldn't kill the time of my precious few readers but wait for days to pass so the fog my friend says its the moral at the end of the story thats missing...but maybe theres no moral but a carefully strung thread of happy experiences....oh, bullshit again...bye


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Days like this will come and go i suppose.There will be days of clear lucidity and then again, days with a complete "lack of synchrony". I wouldnt be too worried about it.
Besides, i liked your previous post....moral or no moral, it was very entertaining.And, no, i did not think it necessarily incomplete.

Anonymous said...

thats ms pathbreaking up there, isn't it???? somehow, even the font looks different when she's typing.. it becomes like her handwriting