Monday, January 21, 2008

monday blues

Mondays are bad days, days when you feel that the next weekend is never going to arrive, days when you wish your weekends were a tad bit longer or atleast more productive.. The endless mails piling in your inbox waiting to be read.....the loathful ticking of the clock announcing as always that you are getting late for an endless day of nonsense...of doing things you don’t believe....of severe nostalgia of having spend two great days...of seeing the same old faces and wondering when i’ll get used to their language....when i will get their wavelength....but hoping against the tide that i don’t loose ....of the endless faux pas that are going to be committed...worst is the realisation that this motivates you very little and the faux pas are actually a result of your subconscious need not to get used to this lifestyle....eternally its a doubt boggling my it that this place doesn’t appeal to me as i know it doesn’t to many or is it this kind of living....this way of i want to be somewhere else and if so where?? So between this endless questioning and emptiness i made a decision that i will stick to this for a be practical earn some be able to do what i want....just do what one has to do....but again the question nags me....would i have been more efficient if i was in a scenario that suited my temperament...oh this Monday blues always pull me down with it.....i should quit this instant before i quit this job!!

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